Authority #6 - How the Bible Uses the Word "Church"
Series: Authority
Authority #6: The Church of the Lord
- The first five lessons have focused on the importance of authority and how to determine if a practice is authorized.
- The next five lessons are about understanding the local church. We begin with understanding how the Bible uses the word “church.”
- Meaning of the Word “Church” (Ekklesia)
- “A group”
- In the context of God’s people, it refers to a group of people who are saved by the blood of Christ (cf. Acts 20.28)
- Danger of reading too much into the etymology.
- True that the word is a combination of “Ek” (out of) and “klesis” (a calling), but “called out” is not of primary significance.
- The word was used to simply mean “a group, assembly, or congregation.”
- Not a religious word in the 1st century (See Acts 19.32, 39, 41; 7.38)
- The two ways the Bible uses the word “Ekklesia” to describe God’s people:
- Universal church – All of God’s people without specifying a time or place (Matthew 16.18; Hebrews 12.23)
- Local church – a specified group of believers who have banded together to carry out God’s work in a particular community or city (e.g., 1 Corinthians 1.2)
- “A group”
- The Authorized Names of The Lord’s Church
- Relationship names
- “Body” (Eph 1.22-23; Col 1.18)
- “Temple” (1 Cor 3.16)
- “Household” (1 Tim 3.15)
- “Husband & bride” (Eph 5.22-23; Rev 21.2)
- Possession names
- “Kingdom” (Matthew 4.17; 6.33; 16.19)
- “Church of God” (Acts 20.28)
- “Churches of Christ” (Romans 16.16)
- Location
- “Church of God which is at Corinth” (1 Cor 1.2; Rev 2-3)
- “Churches of Galatia” (Galatians 1.2)
- The seven named churches of Asia in Revelation 2-3
- Relationship names
- Differences between the Local Church & Universal Church
- Membership
- U – All saved people of all time (Romans 12.4-5)
- L – Only the people in the local area who have agreed to work and worship together
- Salvation Status
- U – All saved people of all time
- L – Some may not be saved (Rev 2:14-17; Rev 3:4; 1Jn 2:19; 3Jn1:9)
- Collective Function
- U – No collective function
- L – Collectively worship, work, evangelize, etc
- Apostasy
- U – Can never be destroyed (Daniel 2.44; Matthew 16.18)
- L – Destroyable by sin (1 Corinthians; Revelation 2.5; 3.1)
- Organization
- U – No organization other than Jesus as head (Col 1.18; Eph 1.22-23)
- L – Elders (shepherds/bishops/pastors), deacons, members (Phil 1.1; 1 Pet 5.1-4) with Jesus as the Head (Rev 2-3).
- Assemblies
- U – None on earth (Heb 12.23)
- L – Many and regularly (1 Cor 11.18; 14.19, 23)
- Year/Location Established
- U – 33 A.D. in Jerusalem (Matthew 16.18; Acts 2.47)
- L – Varies by group
- Number
- U – One church (Eph 4.4)
- L – Many, spread throughout the world
- Membership
- What We Never See in the Bible
- A hybrid between the universal and local church
- A denomination
- “a religious organization whose congregations are united in their adherence to its beliefs and practices”
- “a name or designation, especially one serving to classify a set of things”
- An Institution apart from people
Discussion Questions
- What does the word “church” mean today verses what it meant in Greek culture?
- Why is it important to understand the distinction between the universal church & local church?
- What is a “local church?”