611 Blanche Street, Jackson, MO 63755


Respecting the Authority of Jesus as King

Series: Authority

Authority #2: Christ is King 

Isaiah 52:7?How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the herald, who proclaims peace, who brings news of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!”  

  1. Jesus, the Prophesied King 

  1. Through his lineage. 

  1. Abraham – Genesis 17.6, 16 

  1. Judah – Genesis 49.10 

  1. David – 2 Samuel 7.12-17 

  1. Through the prophets. – Isa 9.6-7; Jer 23.5; Eze 37.24; Dan 7.13-14  

  1. Fulfilled in His coming. 

  1. In Matthew – 2.2; 21.1-10; 27.11-14; 28.18-20 

  1. As taught in early sermons – Acts 2.14-36; 13.22-39 

  1. As taught in letters sent to Christians – Phil 2.9-11; Col 1.13; 3.24; 1 Tim 1.16-17 


  1. The Authority of the King 

  1. Jesus is the Creator – John 1.1-3; Genesis 1:1, 26 

  1. Everything was created by Him, through Him, & for Him. – Col 1.15-17 

  1. He is the head of the His Body / Kingdom / Church – Col 1.18; Eph 1.20-23 

  1. He has the right to make the rules. 

  1. He offers a unilateral, non-negotiable contract that is heavily in our favor. 

  1. The Reign of the Lord’s Anointed King – Psalm 2 

  1. Background of Psalm 2 

  1. A royal Psalm of David, closely tied to Psalm 1 

  1. A picture of rebellion & hatred of God’s Anointed King. It tells us how God responds to rebellion against Him. 

  1. 1-3 

  1. The nations and kings reject the King’s authority. 

  1. Irony of Acts 4.25-28: Jewish leaders (who were supposed to be looking for the Messiah) reject Jesus too. 

  1. 4-7 

  1. God laughs and scoffs at their rebellion. – Isaiah 55.8-9 

  1. Rebellion invokes God’s anger. – Hebrews 10.29-31 

  1. God installs His King. – Hebrews 2.6-9 

  1. Jesus, Son of God. – Matthew 3.17; Acts 13.32-33; Hebrews 1.3-5, 5.4-5 



  1. 8-9 

  1. All authority is given to Jesus – Matthew 28.18-20 

  1. A spiritual Kingdom that will end with the victory of Jesus and breaking of the rebellious – Revelation 2.26-27 

  1. 10-12 

  1. Discernment leads to worshiping the Lord with reverence and rejoicing with trembling – Acts 12.21-24 

  1. Pay homage (kiss) the Son = special honor or respect shown publicly  

  1. The Kingship of Jesus is complete and rejecting Him has disastrous consequences 

  1. “How blessed…” – Bookends Psalm 1.1 

Discussion Questions 

  1. Considering this sermon, how does the message “Your God reigns!” impact the need to share the gospel message? 

  1. Why is the kingship of Jesus a vital doctrine in understanding Biblical authority? 

  1. What does Psalm 2 show about those who reject the kingship of the Son? 

  1. Why is submitting to the Son so vital to receiving the blessings from God?