611 Blanche Street, Jackson, MO 63755


Biblical Self-Esteem




  1. How we view ourselves shapes our worldview.
    1. The world teaches that high self-esteem is good and low self-esteem is bad.
    2. The Bible teaches against both. – Romans 12.3, 16; Prov 28.1; 2 Tim 1.7
    3. Both high and low self-esteem have the same primary obstacle.
      Both are self-focused. There is a more excellent way.
  2. We are to esteem others highly – 1 Thessalonians 5.12-13; Philippians 2.3
  3. When it comes to self, the Bible teaches to have no regard for self
    – Philippians 3.3-7; 4.13; Galatians 2.20; Philippians 4.13
  4. Christians are somehow supposed to be both humble and bold at the same time. This is only possible when we see ourselves in relation to Christ.
  1. Jesus is the source of our value.
    1. Value does not come from accomplishments. –Jeremiah 9.23-24;
      Philippians 3.12-14 (in context); Luke 17.7-10; Titus 3.3-5
    2. People do not determine your value. – Proverbs 29.25; Matthew 5.11; 6.5, 16;
      2 Corinthians 10.12-18
    3. Finding value in anything other than Jesus disappears quickly. – James 1.9-11
    4. Value is inherent because we are created in the likeness of God.
      – Genesis 1.26; 9.6; Luke 12.6-7
    5. We know our value because of the price paid.
      – 1 Corinthians 6.19-20; 2 Corinthians 3.4-5; Romans 5.8

  2. Jesus is our identity.
    1. When we become Christians, our identity changes – 1 John 3.1; Colossians 3.1-5
    2. We live as if Christ is in our place – Galatians 2.20; 2 Corinthians 5.14-17
  3. Jesus gives us the ability to boast.
    1.  Not in our own abilities, but in God. – 1 Cor 1.30-31; Jer 9.23-24; Psalm 20.7
    2. He is the source of our power. – Joshua 1.9; Phil 4.13; 1 John 4.4; Romans 8.31-39
    3. We can act in confidence. – 1 John 2.28; 1 John 5.14


  1. Jesus emptied himself and we should do the same – Philippians 2.6-8
  2. Jesus is our new identity. If you fail to look to Jesus, you will fail to “find yourself.”
  3. Have the mentality of John the Baptizer – John 3.26-30