611 Blanche Street, Jackson, MO 63755


Bible Theme #5: Light

Series: Themes of the Bible

Themes of the Bible #5: Light


    1. “Let there be light” are the first words spoken in the Bible. – Genesis 1.3
      1. God could have created anything first, but he chose light.
      2. Doesn’t create the sun, moon, or stars until day 4. Where does the light come from?
    2. Similar scene without sun, moon, or stars in Revelation 21.23-25; 22.5
    3. God describes himself as “light.”
      1. 1 John 1:5 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light, and there is absolutely no darkness in him.
      2. We should know what that means because we are also called to be “lights of the world.”
  1. Light as an Analogy
    1. Knowledge/Insight
      1. God’s word is compared to a lamp. – Psalm 119.105
      2. God chooses Christians to share the light of the gospel – 2 Corinthians 4.3-6
    2. Life – 1 John 1.1-2
      1. Life is not possible without the sun.
      2. The word of God gives life.
    3. Goodness / Purity / Holiness
      1. Light from the sun is so brilliant that we cannot stare directly at it.
      2. God dwells in unapproachable light. – 1 Timothy 6.16
      3. Like cockroaches scattering when the light turns on, evil hates truth. – John 3.19-21
    4. Security
      1. Fear of the dark / unknown – Psalm 23.4
      2. Light / knowledge brings safety & peace.
    5. Love
      1. The message we have heard from the beginning:
        1. 1 John 1:5 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you:
          God is light, and there is absolutely no darkness in him.
        2. 1 John 3:11 For this is the message you have heard from the beginning: We should love one another.
        3. Is John confused or is this a contradiction?
      2. Light = love
      3. How we love one another determines if we are walking in God’s light – 1 John 2.9-11


  1. What it Means to Walk in the Light
    1. Conversion: “Turn from Darkness to Light”
      1. From darkness of ignorance / lack of knowledge – Ephesians 4.17-18
      2. From darkness of sin.  
    2. Discipleship: “Put on the Armor of Light” – Romans 13.12
      1. Same thing as to “put on the Lord Jesus Christ” – Romans 13.14
      2. It means to live as Jesus would live in your place is like armor – Galatians 2.20
      3. To be ready for the return of Jesus – 1 Thessalonians 5.2-10
    3. Fellowship: “Walk in the Light”
      1. Fellowship with God – Ephesians 5.8-14
      2. Fellowship with God’s people – 1 John 1.7
    4. Evangelism: “A Light to the Nations
      1. Isaiah said that God’s people with be a light to the nations through Jesus – Isa 49.6
      2. The message of life & immortality have been brought to light through the gospel.
        – 2 Thessalonians 1.9-10

  1. The Light of the World
    1. "I_____ am the Light of the world." – Jesus (John 8.12; 9.5)
      1. This is an audacious claim of deity.
      2.  Throughout the rest of scripture God is associated with being light.
    2. "You are the light of the world.” – Jesus (Matthew 5.14)  
      1. Not a contradiction, but a claim with huge implications.
      2. It is more than doing good things so that other people will see us doing them.
      3. It is about being like Jesus.
    3. So walk in the light as He is in the light. – 1 John 1.7
    4. So walk as children of light – Ephesians 5.8


Discussion Questions

  1. Do you find it comforting or terrifying that God is described as “light and in Him there is absolutely no darkness in Him”? Why?
  2. If we thought daily about being “the light of the world,” how would it change us?
  3. What does it mean to make God’s word a light for our path? What is the danger of walking in the light of our own fire?