611 Blanche Street, Jackson, MO 63755


The Battle Between Two Giants

The Battle Between Two Giants

1 Samuel 17


Introduction:  It is easy for us to underestimate what God can do through some individual.  The individual may seem to be insignificant because of his inabilities, but God can do great things through him.  This is well illustrated in 1 Samuel 17 which is the story of David and Goliath.  This morning, I want to look at four different views of David revealed in this chapter.  There are some lessons we can learn from these different views of David.


I. The View of Eliab (David’s Oldest Brother)

      A. The Context (17:8-10, 23-24)

      B. David’s response:  v. 26

      C. Eliab’s reaction    vs. 28-29

            1. When Eliab viewed David, he viewed him with CRITICISM.

            2. It is a shame that people can hardly do anything great without being criticized. 

                  a. David is trying to encourage God’s people to fight one who is defying the armies of the

                        living God.  This is a good thing, but he is criticized.

                  b. Mary anoints Jesus’ feet with a costly oil of spikenard and she is criticized.  John 12:3-5

                        Jesus defends her.

                  c. Jesus went about doing good, but the Jews accused him of casting out demons by

                        Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.

            3. But if there is unjust criticism, it is better to be the one criticized than the one doing the


                  a. Can you imagine how Eliab must have felt when David went out there and defeated


                  b. How are the critics of Jesus going to feel when they stand before Jesus in judgment? 

      D. But to David’s credit he did not allow the criticism of his older brother keep him from continuing

            to talk to the Israelite soldiers about the need to fight Goliath, and it did not keep him from

            eventually offering to fight Goliath himself.   17:29-32

            1. Just about anybody can sit back and criticize people, but it takes a big man to overcome the

                  criticism and continue to do the work that needs to be done.

            2. May we all not allow criticism to keep us from doing what needs to be done.  Have the faith and

                  courage of David to fight off the criticism and do the work of the Lord with all your might.


II. The View of King Saul.

      A. Saul’s view    Read  vs. 32-33  

            1. David tells King Saul that he will go and fight with this Philistine. 

            2. When Saul looked at David he basically said, “YOU CAN’T DO IT.”

      B. David’s response  -  Read vs. 34-37

            1. David basically says, “I have not decided to go because I think I am strong enough to defeat that

                  Philistine warrior.  It is the LORD that will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.   

                  Read v. 37

            2. David was relying upon THE LORD.  He knew that he couldn’t do it by his power.  But he

                  knew what God could do through him.

      C. Numbers 13:31-33; 13:30; 14:6-9

            1. Twelve spies were sent to spy out the land of Canaan.

            2. Ten of the spies said we are not able to take the land.   13:31-33

                  They are stronger than we.  We were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in

                  their sight.


            3. Two of the spies, Joshua and Caleb said we are able with God’s help.  Do not rebel.  13:30;


      D. Say with Paul “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Phil. 4:13


III. The View of Goliath (the Giant)

      A. David took his staff (no doubt his shepherd staff) in his hand; and he chose for himself five smooth

            stones from the brook, and put them in a shepherd’s bag, in a pouch which he had, and his sling

            was in his hand.  And he drew near to the Philistine.   17:40

            1. This is what Goliath saw when David came out to fight with him.

      B. The giant’s response.  Read vs. 41-44

            1.  Goliath viewed him with CONTEMPT, combined with ridicule and threats.

      C. I would think that the size and strength of that giant was intimidating besides the words of


            1. But David did not let that affect him.  He pressed forward.

      D. We face giants too.  We face giants who oppose God and His people.

            1. Atheism, Agnosticism, Materialism, Denominationalism, those who promote homosexuality,

                  abortion, etc.

      E. You can be assured that they look upon us with contempt. They despise who we are and what we

            stand for.

      F. Rev. 13

            1. John sees a beast coming up out of the sea.  It is intimidating.  It has seven heads

                  and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name.  v. 1

                  a. It is like a leopard, his feet are like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion.

                        v. 2

                  b. The dragon (the Devil) gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.   v. 2

                  c. They worshiped the beast.  Read v. 4

                  d. “Who is able to make war with him?” 

                  e. Do you Christians think you can defeat this beast?  Do you hear their ridicule?

                  f. This beast represents the political power of that day, the Roman Empire. 

            2. But there is One who is more powerful than the beast.  He is One who sits on a while horse and

                  He is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and make war.  Rev. 19:11-13

                  a. The beast is defeated and cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.  

                        Rev. 19:19-21

                  b. Why do the Christians overcome?  Is it because they are stronger than the beast?  No.  It is

                        because they rely on the Lord.

      G. The only way that we can be victors over the sinful, evil world around us is to rely on the Lord.  To

            rely on the Lord is to rely on His word.  And then God will give us the victory.


IV. The View of God

      A. When God looked on David, He saw a SPIRITUAL GIANT.

            1. There were two giants out there that day -- one a physical giant and the other a spiritual giant.

            2. When God looked upon David He saw

                  a man of faith,

                  a man of vision,

                  a man of courage,

                  a man of initiative,

                  a man who would lean on God for his strength, and

                  a man who would give God the glory rather than taking glory for himself.

            3. This is what God saw when He looked upon David.

      B. Read vs. 45-47 

            1. David knew where is strength was.  He was willing to acknowledge God’s strength and to give

                  glory to God.  That is a giant in God’s eyes.

            2. Saul said to David, “Go, and the Lord be with you!”  v. 37 

                  The Lord was with David.  He defeated Goliath.  It did not take five smooth stones.  It only

                  took one, because God was with him.

      C. Who do I want praying for me when I am sick, when I am grieving over the loss of a loved one,

            when I have troubles?

            1. It doesn’t matter their standing in the eyes of men.


            3. The most powerful person there can be is the one whom God is with. 

                  He is a spiritual giant in God’s eyes, while maybe viewed as a pigmy in the eyes of man.


V. Application

      A. Relating to the Individual

            1. Do you ever feel intimidated when in the presence of others who are intellectually superior than

                  you are?  They have a higher IQ, they know more, they are far more articulate than you.

                  Or maybe they have more talent than you in many areas of their lives.  You feel dumb and

                  clumsy in their presence.

                  a. Do you think that God is impressed with all that talent. 

                        When God looked at Goliath, do you think He said, “Wow, he is big!”?   I don’t think so.

                        What is he to God?

                  b. Do you think that God looks at those who are so talented with high IQs and then says,

                        “Wow, he is so smart and talented.”?   I don’t think so.  Who are they to God?

                  c. We are intimidated by them because of their talents, but what are they to God? 

                  d. God is impressed with:

                        a person of faith in Him

                        a person of vision,

                        a person of courage,

                        a person of initiative,

                        a person who would lean on God for his strength, and

                        a person who would give God the glory rather than taking glory for himself.

                  e. That person can be me, and it can be you.  Let us not be fearful.

      B. Relating to Churches

            1. Do you think God looks on a church and says, “Wow, that is such a big church, with such great

                  talent, and look at the magnificent building they have”?   I don’t think so.

            2. A church that God is impressed with is a church made up of people of faith in Him, people of

                  vision, people of courage, people of initiative; people who will lean on God for their strength,

                  and people who give God the glory for what is accomplished.

            3. Rev. 3:7-8

                  a. If we lived at that time, I’m not sure if we would have been impressed with the church in

                        Philadelphia.  He says to them “for you have little strength.”

                  b. But the Lord said, “I know your works.  See, I have set before you an open door, and no one

                        can shut it…”

            4. If we will make ourselves what we ought to be, people of genuine faith, God can open a door to

                  us, God can use us for good.  God can do marvelous things through us.

            5. Let us throw off our intimidation and stand up with faith, as David did, and go and work for the

                  Lord.  He will do great things through us.