611 Blanche Street, Jackson, MO 63755


What God has Joined Together, Let Not Man Separate

“What God Has Joined Together, Let Not Man Separate.”


Introduction:  God has joined certain things together, and when God joins them, man is not to separate them.  Let us look at some things God has joined together that man is not to separate.


I. Husband and Wife

      A. Matt. 19:3-6

            1. God made them male and female, and said, “Therefore a man shall leave his father

                  and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”  

                  Gen. 1:27; 2:24

            2. Jesus concludes that:

                  a. God joins together husband and wife.

                  b. What God joins together, man is not to separate.

            3. This answers the question, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any


            4. Jesus states on exception for divorce in verse 9.

      B. Marriage is a covenant of God, and God holds us bound to His covenants.  Prov. 2:17;                         Malachi 2:14

      C. In marriage one is bound by the law to his mate as long as his mate lives.  Rom. 7:2-3


II.  Christ and the Church

      A. Some people say, “Take Christ and forget about the Church,” or “I have a relationship

            Jesus Christ, not with the Church.”  They want to separate Christ and the church.

      B. The church is the body of Christ, the fullness of Christ.  Eph. 1:22-23

            To be in the church is to be in the body of Christ, and to be in the body of Christ is to be

            in Christ.  One who is in Christ is in His church, His body.

      C. The church are those saved by the blood of Christ.  (Acts 2:47).  Therefore, it can be said               that the church has been purchased by the blood of Christ, and therefore, belongs to                             Christ.  (Acts 20:28; 1 Cor. 6:19-20; Matt. 16:18; Rom 16:16)

      D. How one treats the church is how he treats Jesus Christ.

            1. Acts 8:3; 9:4

            2. Matt. 25:40

            3. In order to meet our responsibilities to other Christians we must become a part of a

                  local church (Rom. 12:3-16; Eph. 4:7-16; Acts 9:26-28).  As we serve others within

                  a local church we are serving Christ.

      E. You cannot separate Christ from His church.


III. Sin and Death

      A. Some people seem to think they can continue in the practice of sin and still go to heaven.

      B. One who is in sin is dead spiritually.  He is dead in that he is separated from God.

            Eph. 2:1; Isaiah 59:1-2

      C. One cannot separate sin and death.  If he dies in his sins then he cannot be with Christ.

            (John 8:21)  He will be separated from God for ever (2 Thess. 1:7-9; Rom. 6:23;                   James 1:15).  Do not be deceived (Gal. 6:7-8).



IV. Faith and Works

      A. Many people believe in salvation by faith alone, i.e. faith without works.

      B. James says that the faith that saves and works are inseparable.  James 2:14, 24

            Faith without works is dead. James 2:17, 26

      C. To be saved from sin, one must obey.  Heb. 5:8-9; Rom. 6:17-18


V. Belief and Baptism

      A. Those who believe salvation by faith alone teach that all one must do to be saved is

            believe and that baptism is not necessary. 

      B. When Jesus sent His apostles out to preach the gospel, He joined together belief and

            baptism for salvation (Mark 16:15-16).

            1. One is not saved by belief alone, and neither is one saved by baptism alone.  Jesus

                  said, “He who believes and is baptized will be saved....”

      C. The gospel that the apostles preached included baptism.

            1. The Jews on the day of Pentecost were told to “Repent, and let every one of you be

                  baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins…” (Acts 2:38).

                  a. Not only were these Jews to believe in Jesus (v. 36), there were also to repent and

                        be baptized for their sins to be forgiven.

            2. The people of Samaria believed and were baptized (Acts 8:12).  The Corinthians

                  believed and were baptized (Acts 18:8).  Many other examples could be given.


Conclusion:  Do not separate what God has joined together.