611 Blanche Street, Jackson, MO 63755


Preparing for Elders

Preparing for Elders


  1. The Eldership Design
    1. In every church – Titus 1.5; Acts 14.20-23
    2. To lead, oversee, & shepherd (pastor) the local church – Phil 1.1; 1 Pet 5.1-3
      1. Guide, provide, protect – Acts 20.25-30
      2. Teach by word – 1 Timothy 5.17; Ephesians 4.11-13
      3. Teach by example – Hebrews 13.7; 1 Peter 5.3


  1. The Qualities of Elders – 1 Timothy 3.1-7; Titus 1.6-9
    1. Emphasis: A proven character
      1. Neither list is exhaustive nor exclusive
      2. Both lists are interchangeable in the character described
      3. Must be proven – 1 Timothy 3.5, 10
    2. The chief quality – Above Reproach (Blameless)
      1. Does not mean perfect – cf. Luke 1.6, 20
      2. Paul defines it by listing the other qualities
    3. Describes the desired character for every Christian – Psalm 119.1; 2 Pet 3.14
      1. There is not an acceptable amount of being angry, drunk, materialism, etc. that is acceptable for a member but not for an elder.
      2. Hold all members to the same standard as you would an elder. (Notable exception for family qualifications, not a new convert, able to teach, etc.)


  1.  Responsibility to Elders
    1. Submit to them –Hebrews 13.7, 17
      1. Honor, obey, & defer – 1 Thessalonians 5.12-13
      2. Be careful when making accusations against them – 1 Timothy 5.19
        1. Not above all criticism, but extra caution needs to be used
        2. Same is said about criticizing anyone – Deut 19.15; Mat 18.15-20
    2. Utilize them
      1. Confide in them – James 5.13-15
      2. Seek their counsel – Proverbs 19.20; Ephesians 4.11-12
    3. Support them
      1. Practically (make their job easier) – Acts 6.1-2; 1 Peter 5.5

Financially – 1 Timothy 5.17-18